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Nanoleaf Lines – Review

Nanoleaf has come a long way since MKAU reviewed the Nanoleaf Canvas Squares all the way back in 2019. With the gaming industry booming, we have watched as the gaming community search for the ultimate look for their setup. As Nanoleaf has moved to the front of the competition in the need to have the perfect lighting display, how do their Nanoleaf Lines stack up?

Coming straight out of the box, you are given 9 white light rods, 9 connectors, and caps, a master connector, a power cable to use with the power supply, and a whole lot of sticky pads. The cable is quite lengthy which is fabulous to see as it gives you so many options for your placements around the room and is easily hidden, making for a clean setup. The connectors coming in a hexagonal shape means at least 6 different directions and 3 different angles per side can be utilised. This means multiple tiling pattern options, giving you creative capabilities beyond your wildest dreams.

The master connector has 7 functional buttons on it, so if you are not down with using the software to support it, you can still use it as is. I was happy about this as sometimes I just don’t feel like dicking around with the app or booting up my P.C. to change the vibes of the room. There you will find your classic on/off button and two to adjust the brightness up and down. The remaining buttons are mapped out towards the light scenes with arrows to switch scenes left or right, and onboard profiles with music synced patterns, interactive and colour selectors, each with a heap of preloaded designs.

The lighting itself is gorgeous. While I find the shaped Nanoleaf lights give a vibrant almost an obnoxiously bright glow to any setup, I feel the Nanoleaf Lines have a more vibrant, yes, but more sophisticated glow. With two zonings of RGBW lighting per line, they are definitely more of a statement piece. Mine is currently shaped as a heart and the glow is such a statement piece; all eyes are drawn to it instantly.

The real engine room though is the Nanoleaf software. For this review, I tested both the Mobile App and the Desktop companion. While it isn’t a must as there are multiple pre-set schemes on the control panel, it expands this piece of tech into a near innovative world. Being quite the creative soul myself, by simply downloading the app available on the Google Play, Apple Store, or their official website, this is where you really turn it up to a hundred in the advancement of your customization.

This easily navigable app is simple and clean, easy to understand, and clear directive of what needs to be done, once synced, every possible colour, style, and sequence is available for you to create or download from other designs the community has uploaded. I found the mobile app much more user-friendly because at times I had connectivity problems with the desktop app.

In a related but unrelated instance, the moment I synced my Nanoleaf Lines to my network my Nanoleaf Canvas’ decided to no longer sync. While it won’t affect my overall impressions of the Lines itself, it should be noted that they were fine up until then. For the life of me, I could not get them to work at the same time, thus delaying my review.

Compared to my previous review, my only critique being the sticky pads peeled my paint off my wall, this time, the adhesive strips came off without a mark. The beauty of the Lines is that there are so many mounting options. Mine are currently hanging from my bookcase, not a wall in sight.

Overall, I can confidently say that due to the quality and innovativeness of the Nanoleaf lights that without a doubt the lines themselves are a solid 10/10. Due to some niggling issues with syncing though they just fall short of perfect.

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The Good

  • Multiple directions from the connectors and 3 different angles
  • Lengthy cabling for placement management
  • So many preset colours
  • Music and interactive syncing
  • Gorgeous lighting
  • User friendly app for customisation, especially the mobile app
  • Full customisation and scene builder
  • Adhesive sticky pads but also very display friendly

The Bad

  • Slight connectivity issues with the desktop app

Written by: Stacey


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