Godlike Burger

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Godlike Burger – Review

Have you ever wanted to be the best chef in the world but also serial kill people at the same time.. Yes? Well, this is the game for you. This game, developed by Liquid Pug is equally about building up the reputation of your restaurant but also killing as many people as possible to get the supplies to make a “Godlike Burger”.

The game begins with a comic book-style cutscene that ends with you running the restaurant with nothing in the fridge but multiple bodies laying around you. You do what any “Normal” person would do and blend those bodies to make the amazing burgers that you make to get the reputation of the best restaurant in the universe.

You need a decision as a restaurant and an entrepreneur about if customers will be killed for much-needed supplies or to keep them alive for the great reviews. The latter you will definitely need too, to get more people walking in the door. The customers that come into the store are the sole way of income so you need to keep them coming in whilst keeping the supply and demand high.

Visually speaking, Godlike Burger is a beautiful-looking game with a nice cartoonish art style that is pleasing to look at but not too over the top. There is plenty of variety with the location and some of the alien races you meet over time. Godlike has a nice and user-friendly UI that is easy on the eye and simple to navigate the controls.

It gives you the option of the music you want to play in the restaurant as a management choice. It’s as simple as pressing “F” on the radio and you can choose what you want to cook burgers too, which is a nice touch not being forced into one track in the background.

It’s a clever little spin on the standard restaurant management sim, making you choose if you are going to use the customers for food or let them get more people for you. There is the occasional malfunction or hazard that you need to attend to that slows the process down. You also might have the odd free-loading customer that wants to go to the adult club that is linked up with the restaurant. A unique choice in itself. You might even have the police come and look into the restaurant because someone caught you killing a customer. The options are endless and surprisingly prove to be a lot of fun despite what feels like a looped cycle of gameplay.

Overall, Godlike Burger is a bizarre idea that has come together well which makes for a unique & mental gaming experience.

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The Good

  • Beautiful Design
  • Nice Tips
  • Simple Game play

The Bad

  • Looped cycle of gameplay

Written by: Hayden Nelson


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