Road 96

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Road 96 (Xbox) – Review

Road 96 is a brilliant narrative adventure game, where you make the choices that impact the world as you meet amazing detailed characters with deep backstories that you will want to discover, created by Digixart this game is one well worth playing.

We were previously treated to the Nintendo Switch version of Road 96, so for a more detailed review, please see here. This time, however, we were given access to the Console Edition, specifically on Xbox, and truth be told, it’s identical.

Well, perhaps identical isn’t quite the right word. There have been a few minor fixes to it, such as the dialogue boxes not tweaking out and causing accidental incorrect choices, but otherwise, it plays the same.

As a quick recap: Road 96 takes place in the fictional nation of Petria ruled by President Tyrak. After a tragic bombing in 1986 that killed many people at National Mountain, a group called the Black Brigades were blamed and labeled terrorists, and President Tyrak used the incident to tighten his grasp on the nation. The game itself takes place 10 years later, and you will be playing as several teens trying to cross the border as Election Day approaches.

As you venture across Road 96 you will come across supporting characters that have an impact on how the game plays out. You have the option of traveling by foot, which will drain your health faster, but this can be restored by eating and sleeping, plus it is a cheaper option as you have little to no money upon starting.

You can also catch a bus, call a taxi or hitchhike. Every choice will bring you to a point in the story with one of the characters you meet along the way.

The characters themselves have great facial details, and it turns out that the 15 people who worked on Road 96 each did motion capture acting, so they’re all actively in the game.

The soundtrack for Road 96 is heavily ’90s themed, and players can find cassette tapes that will let you change the music in certain vehicles while hitchhiking, or you can just flick through the radio channels. While on the road, the music will hit hard in a good way.

I was really happy to hear that Road 96 was coming to console. I loved playing it on the Switch and while playing again for this review, I fell in love with the game all over again. I recalled certain choices I had made in the past and went with another option so that I could experience all-new moments, and this had me hooked again. Road 96 is a great game and one I will urge people to try out. You will not be disappointed.

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The Good

  • Amazing storyline
  • Good animation
  • Amazing soundtrack
  • Lots of replayability
  • Deep dialog options
  • Fun mini games to discover
  • Always different story plots when traveling

Written by: Shane Walsh


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