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Tentacular – Review

It’s review time again, this time with my review for Tentacular. Tentacular is the new VR game created by Firepunchd Games UG and published by Devolver Digital. Tentacular is about a giant-but-friendly tentacled beast that has been raised among the humans on the island, La Kalma.

It is time to get your suckers ready to help the humans, while also uncovering the origin of your existence. You will take on jobs to aid the humans, like reclaiming shipping containers in the ocean or putting on a creative hat in the impressive sandbox mode. There is plenty of entertainment to be had in this ‘Tentacular’ title.

You can play either seated or standing. I suggest adjusting your chair height if playing seated, as it will start you off at a lower point of view. Tentacular offers a great tutorial system and tracking goals is nicely done throughout the game. Communication with humans is achieved by bopping them on the head to have them repeat or advance the conversation.

The game has a number of puzzles for each level that may require certain items to complete. Thankfully, even if you are a madman like me, and you have a habit of throwing everything across the ocean before noticing you needed a certain item, don’t stress.

It is incredibly fun to ‘yeet’ the quest giving humans across the ocean, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy hearing the yell when they went flying into the distance. They do come back to the island via helicopter, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to complete your task.

The range of puzzles and levels are not overly complicated, and much of it will just come down to VR physics, like having to stack shipping containers in a T formation. Climbing is possible in certain parts, but they don’t teach you this. The universal one hand over another and pull yourself upwards works & the levels are short, however, there are certain puzzles I would’ve liked to spend more time completing, but they ended quickly.

As a whole, from when I first played in the preview through to the game version as it is now, there has been great improvements made with the interaction of objects. Where these objects used to feel ‘stuck’, they now seem to be more free to move and throw around. Climbing has improved a lot from a seated position, and the puzzles are still just as fun as always as they continue to keep you thinking.

I am still fairly new to the VR world, but Tentacular is a great game for learning the VR ropes and is good fun for a wide range of ages. Who doesn’t want to live out the fantasy of being a giant creature throwing things around?

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The Good

  • Fun range of puzzles
  • Easy to track quest objectives
  • Screaming humans when thrown
  • Chaotic enjoyment
  • Can be played seated or standing
  • Easy control scheme

The Bad

  • The levels could be a bit longer

Written by: Shane Walsh


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