Hidden Deep

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Hidden Deep – Review

What’s hidden in the deep? Let’s find out. ‘Hidden Deep’, developed by Cogwheel Software is a 2D, action and exploration, sci-fi thriller set in a mining and research facility below the ocean’s floor.

Firstly, you will need to dive into Expedition mode, the story mode if you will. 681 days after the first research team detected strange unknown anomalies and suddenly communication was lost. You are now in control of the second research team sent down to find out what happened and to rescue anyone who is still alive. Good luck.

With a plethora of equipment and weapons to help you must navigate and combat the treacherous caves, enemies and puzzles that await. You will mostly use your grapple hook to ascend/descend when needed, and almost always equipped with a pistol at hand ready for any encounter. The controls can seem a little slow at times but it doesn’t take away from the experience, it just adds a factor of making sure you are prepared for what might be ahead.

You’re not always alone as you control a team with each character having their own unique skills. Scout, the character you start with is used to navigate, explore and clear out the caves, making it safe for your other members. Engineers use machinery such as cranes and vehicles.

You can control this team by using them directly or giving them orders so you can always be prepared for the unknown. Co-op is also an option, so if you have a friend brave enough to embrace the deep, invite them along.

The small variety of enemies you encounter from flying to crawling and even wall tentacles will always keep you on edge. Be sure to keep an eye out for anything that seems out of the ordinary too as it might just be the very next thing to give you a fright and kill you.

Now for Challenge Mode. Here we can generate random missions, use seeds other players have found or use the pre-set and go for a spot on the leaderboard. You control the amount of deaths and enemies are in the mission; go easy and have 10+ lives and barely any enemies or challenge yourself on Hardcore with 1 life and ridicoulus amount of enemies. The decisions are all yours.

Eerie is how I would describe the atmosphere of the caves below with the pixelated dark tunnels, and red vein like substance all over the walls giving it a very sinister vibe. You’ll experience random tremors and hear horrifying screeching throughout these derelict pathways, keeping you wondering, what is down here with us.

Hidden Deep is definitely worth the look if you are interested in the unknown, seek a thriller, and enjoy puzzles. Can’t wait to see what comes in future updates.

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The Good

  • Co-op
  • Eerie atmosphere
  • Nice array of equipment
  • Adjustable Difficulty

The Bad

  • Not a huge variety of enemies
  • Controls can feel clunky

Written by: MrVibeAU


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