Almost My Floor

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Almost My Floor – Review

Point-and-click games tend to sometimes be a bit, excuse the pun, hit and miss. Some end up being great, others leaving you wondering why you even bothered giving it the chance. Thankfully, Almost My Floor takes the simple point-and-click genre and flips it on its head; Giving it a dose of high octane horror, an intriguing storyline, a dash of comic book colour, and more challenges than you can wave a one-eyed flying monster at!


Almost My Floor is a point-and-click comic-book-inspired horror game, where you play as Alex, who simply wants to return to his unit on the 7th floor of his apartment complex.

The end.

Just kidding.

A simple task though, right? What starts out as an ordinary day in the life of Alex quickly turns into the night from hell. As you begin to progress through the story, strange creatures from a nightmarish hell begin to appear, taunting and threatening Alex wherever he may roam. Add onto the fact that his current girlfriend has been missing for over a week, his dog has died, and now demonic hellspawn are threatening his very existence, you’re in for one hell of a ride, but the story doesn’t end there. The game actually is split between a cavalcade of characters, all of whom have their own viewpoint and opinions on the current situation of both the apartment complex and Alex. Through a series of events, you’ll come to find that Alex isn’t exactly as crazy as everyone presumes him to be…

The gameplay is simplistic and consuming. As previously mentioned, some point-and-click games fail to leave you enticed, often having you ‘click’ on the ‘quit game’ button. Thankfully, the only time I had to quit this game was due to sleep and the eventual finish of the game. Its storyline is surprisingly deep and littered with twists and turns. I actually found myself gasping at certain events and saying “No way!” periodically out loud during said events!

The challenges will leave you either feeling incredibly smart or downright frustrated – which is actually the perfect blend of balance needed for a game of this genre. Some have you retrieve items from 3 rooms earlier, whereas other challenges have a litter of items in one room, but seemingly no way to use them… Unless you work out the secret to their importance, that is.


The artistic approach of having the game appeal like a real-life comic book is actually such a smart, clever, and downright colourful idea! Imagine the fun, 4th breaking aspects to ‘Scott Pilgrim vs the World’ with its comic book antics, throw that into a game like Almost My Floor and you’re pretty much close to where it lands! Lands, by which I mean, an engaging sense and style of levels, characters, and monsters!

The sound design wasn’t as noticeable sadly, with no stand-out soundtrack or voice acting work. That’s not to say it was by any means bad, not at all. Just, some characters talk and some don’t. To have one character actively talk, with a human voice, during cutscenes, only for the other character to reply in text-only really leaves a sense of ‘aw, wonder what that character’s voice sounds like?’ Again, not a bad thing, but it definitely leaves a hole in the sound department.


Almost My Floor is a fun, engaging point-and-click game that really is a fun little game to play. With future patches, and perhaps DLC content adding onto the story, this game could see a future for years to come!

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The Good

  • Fantastic storyline
  • Creative and colourful art direction
  • Enjoyable puzzle solving

The Bad

  • Recorded dialogue sometimes feels out of place, due to non-speaking character responses

Written by: Brutaleo


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