Marvel Future Revolution

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Marvel Future Revolution – Preview

Marvel Future Revolution is a free-to-play mobile game that will be released worldwide on the 25th of August and will be available on Android and iOS, however, right now you can pre-register. When the game is released, you will get a costume gift box containing a full costume set for the starter heroes. This game is an action RPG that allows you to take control of multiple heroes, including Captain America, Spiderman, Dr. Strange, Storm, Black Widow, Star-Lord, and my pick to play, Captain Marvel.

As a bit of a Marvel fanboy, I do like the story of this game using the multiverse to bring different versions of iconic heroes together. As multiple worlds collide and join, it will take multiple heroes to help stop the Joinings and the various villains seeking power in the troubled time.

I have been playing through the story of the game for days and there has been plenty to keep me occupied, and one of my favorite features I found is an auto feature, which acts as sort of an AFK mode. You do still need to focus on the game though, as you might need to do a quick time event. Or you could just continue to fight until you die.

Even though it is convenient, they have balanced it well, so if you put it on auto, you will just not gain any levels. It doesn’t feel like a grind with all the things you can do, but yes, you can pay to expedite things, but so far, I have not had the urge to spend real money. At least not yet. There are plenty of things to accomplish, such as getting four sets of matching armor, and there are several leveling up abilities to earn and improve them further. Taking on a heap of side missions and random boss fights that prove challenging keeps it exciting, and I even had help from a random player on another occasion.

I am excited to see how this game will go once there are more players and how they will balance the free-to-play with the pay-to-win. The other thing I am excited to try is the other game modes like Blitz, special operations, Raid, Omega War, and Dimensional Duel, but until there are more players, I do not think I will get to experience them to their full potential.

The only issue that I have, but this goes for all mobile games like this that I have played, there is too much going on. The screen is too overloaded with menus buttons. I do not know how many times I was fighting a boss and accidentally hit one of the menu buttons only to have taken a lot of damage when I got back, but there is a lot of potential for this game, and I am excited to see how it grows. If it was a console game, I’d be more than happy to buy it.

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Written by: MKAU Gaming


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