Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

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Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout (Closed Beta) – Preview

Some of these battle royale style games can be a real hit and miss; some may be strangely addictive, where the hours just fly by, others can feel like you are just dragging your feet through a repetition of party style games, all of which start to feel oddly similar after an hour. Then, ‘Fall Guys’ came knocking and, thankfully, it proved to be the earlier of the two examples!

The most interesting appeal to Fall Guys is that the game pitches you and 59 others against one another in a TV survival game show style concept (think Gladiators, Wipe Out, Titan Games etc). Your goal is to survive five rounds and grab the crown at the end, signalling the end of the round and your claim to fame. Much like the previously mentioned game shows, the rounds consist of platformer style levels that can, and will, attack you!

One of the most popular ‘rounds’ that were on offer during the beta was races. Now, before you click off and think ‘Just another party racing sim’, this mode is arguably by far the most addictive and outrageous mode on offer! As predicted, you and the other 59 wacky players race to a finish line. As previously mentioned, the course offers a variety of obstacles from windmills, timed gates, punching gloves — you name it, this mode will undoubtedly have it gunning for you!

Another round variant that was on offer was that of a pin the tail on yourself / capture the flag. Follow me along here: basically, you have to be the last person standing wearing a tail. Seems easy enough, right? Say that with 59 others gunning for you! Addictive and intense? I say yes!

Like most party games, there is also the famed survival type mode. Once more, the platforms will dip, punch, spin, swirl and knock you off in very imaginative ways. The added bonus to surviving is that it then turns into an impromptu race for yet another glorious crown and win.

I’ve mentioned crowns a bit in this preview, and you’re probably wondering if they’re just a cosmetic upgrade for your character or actually used in-game. Thankfully, the latter is the case as you can cash in your won crowns to dress up your character with unique perks and prizes. Also, the game features special unique rewards ‘per season’. At the time of this writing, its unknown how often these in-game ‘seasons’ will change and refresh, but it keeps the replay value high.

I am extremely into Fall Guys! I hope the game continues to build on its already addictive play value. Its unique but common, and keeps the party going for hours on end!

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The Good

  • Immersive gameplay
  • High replay value
  • Engaging levels

The Bad

  • Some modes feel repetitive
  • Just want it to be released in full alread

Written by: Brutaleo


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