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EPOS|Sennheiser GSX 300 External Sound Card – Review

I haven’t had much to do with sound cards for quite a few years now. The reality is that most desktop computers come with somewhat decent 5.1 surround capabilities as standard, and there are USB or wireless headphones that perform just as well, but what happens if you’re running a laptop? What if you’ve only got access to a headset that has a standard stereo connection?

EPOS have once again stepped up to the plate, showing exactly why they are a quickly rising star when it comes to gaming headsets. I recently was able to review the EPOS|Sennheiser GSP 600 Gaming Headset, which featured incredible sound quality, but due to its analogue connections was a little lacking when it came to directional sound and the on board sound card my system is running. With the release of the EPOS|Sennheiser GSX 300 External Sound Card however, even the most basic of headsets can emulate 5.1 surround at the touch of a button.

This unassuming little box is incredibly simply to use, interfacing with your computer by a single USB cable and connecting to any analogue headset by two 3.5mm ports. Once this plug and play device is installed, the EPOS Gaming Suite will give users easy access to audio settings via a simple menu, allowing you to change between stereo or 5.1 surround through the program itself, or as one of the functions the programmable button next to the easily accessible volume control dial located on the front of the GSX 300. Alternatively, this button can be adjusted so that clicking it will change through four different sound presets: Flat, Esports (Treble), Movie and Music.

Users will also be given full access to an equalizer when using the GSX 300, offering the ability to customise these preset options further, or completely creating their own unique and personal experience. The EPOS Gaming Suite doesn’t just stop with inbound sound either, granting users the possibility of changing the way outbound communications are processed. The voice enhancer will make your voice as smooth as butter if you select the “Warm” setting, getting you ready to broadcast that late night drive on 99.9 MKAU FM, while the “Clear” setting will clean up any popping or rustling your voice may naturally contain, leading to a clearer experience and better communications with team mates about the position of the enemy camping B.

A few extra options, such as gain, side tone and noise gate are all easily accessible as well, meaning you’ll be able to make your inputs louder, hear your own voice through your headset, or adjust how loud something has to be before it will activate the headset respectively.

The GSX 300 by EPOS | Sennheiser is a fantastic addition to your peripherals at a very affordable price, opening up the possibilities for users to experience surround sound with even the simplest of gaming headsets. Couple this with a higher quality headset, such as the EPOS | Sennheiser GSP 600 and you’re in for an amazing overall experience. Just don’t try and tune into MKAU FM – it doesn’t exist.

The Good

  • Simple USB “plug and play” set up
  • Easy options that anyone can understan
  • Increases the capabilities of any analogue headset
  • Simple, stylish and affordable

The Bad

  • It’ll take up a USB port

Written by: Mathew Lindner


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